Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And so it begins...

I have not really thought much about blogging in a while. In the last couple of days though I have been rereading my old xanga post. It made me remember how much I used to enjoy blogging, even though it is rather vain and somewhat pretentious. The thing is though, everyone has the capability to 'publish' themselves, and I am just one of those people who will always choose to do it on some level. So, enough with the introductory pleasantries, on with the blog!
Life...right now it's pretty good. I have been doing a lot with work and seeing the fruits of my labor over the years. I have also come to know a lot more about myself over the last year and am still surprised with the things I learn are in me. I see myself overcoming a great deal of my fears and short comings and I am excited at the possibilities that life has to offer. There are more things that I am ready for than I had ever thought could be. It's a rather optimistic mindset considering that our economy is spinning out of control and we are already entering (I don't care what anyone else says) a terrible recession. Yeah....that all sucks, but I have a strangely wonderful feeling about my future. We shall see...

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't stay away from blogging, ever since I started that first diaryland site in junior high. It's addicting...
Consider yourself in my google reader.